Safe Kids CT is a Program of:
Safekids Worldwide CT Children CT Elks

Poison Safety

The Facts

poison.jpgHalf of the 2 million calls to Poison Help Number in 2011 involved children ages 5 and under. In fact, 9 out of 10 poisonings occur at home.

Safe Kids Tips

  • Keep household products out of sight and reach of children. Items kept under kitchen and bathroom sinks such as bleach, detergent, dishwasher soap and other cleaning supplies should be locked away using safety locks or be moved to a different location which your child cannot access.
  • Always read product labels to find out what is hazardous for children. Some of these items include makeup, plants, pesticides, lead, art supplies, medications and even vitamins.
  • Save the Poison Help Number (1-800-222-1222) to your cell phones and post it near your home phone or on the refrigerator.

Click here for more Poison Safety Tips.