Car Seat Safety
We will be the first to say that if you’re struggling with your child’s safety seat, you’re not alone! With the daily demands of parenthood, it may feel impossible to keep up with the new car seat technologies, recalls and ever-changing child passenger safety laws. We know that car seat safety can get complicated, fast! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you solve your car seat problems.
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Common FAQ’s
What is Child Passenger Safety (CPS)?
Child passenger safety, also known as car seat safety, is a critical component of your child’s safety every day. When traveling with your child in a vehicle it is the law in Connecticut to keep your child properly restrained in a car seat. According to Safe Kids Worldwide, road injuries are the leading cause of death to children in the United States. However, the correct use of a child safety seat can reduce the risk of death by as much as 71%.
Unfortunately, only 1 out of 5 car seats in Connecticut is used properly. It is the mission of Safe Kids Connecticut to ensure safe transportation of all children in Connecticut by raising awareness on the issue, providing community education and safety materials to local families in need and by hosting car seat check events statewide. Safe Kids Connecticut aims to be a resource for families and organizations who want to learn more about keeping their child safe in and around vehicles.
What is a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST)?
Thankfully, there are members of the community who are certified to install car seats and educate caregivers on child passenger safety. These individuals, called Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPST), have taken a 32 hour certification course on car seat installation and education and are certified through Safe Kids Worldwide.
Learn More About Becoming a Child Passenger Safety Technician
Where Can I Get My Car Seat Installed or Checked?
To get your car seat installed by a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) you can attend a community car seat clinic or make an appointment with your local fitting station. Whether you’re at a car seat clinic or a fitting station, you will always work with a CPST and receive general car seat installation and education. Car seat fitting appointments can also be made through Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford.
View Car Seat Fitting Stations Across Connecticut
Schedule an Appointment at Connecticut Children’s
What are the Child Passenger Safety Laws in Connecticut?
Law for Infants
Infants must remain rear-facing until they are a minimum of both 2 years old AND 30 pounds. Best practice is to keep them rear-facing until they outgrow the height and weight limits of their seat.
Law for Toddlers
Toddlers must be in a forward facing car seat with 5-point harness until 5 years AND 40 pounds. Best practice is to keep them in the 5-point harness until they outgrow the height and weight limits of their seat.
Laws for Children
Children should ride in a booster until they reach 8 years old AND 60 pounds. Children who ride in a booster seat must use a lap and shoulder belt. Best practice is to use a booster seat until they are at least 4’9″, which may mean using it until they are 10-12 years old.
Law for Older Children, Tweens and Teens
These age groups must be in a seat belt whenever they ride in a vehicle.
Further Recommended:
Children should ride in the back seat until they are 13 years old. This is the safest place for children because of airbags.
Violators of the Connecticut Car Seat Law Must Pay a Fine
and attend a 2-hour educational car seat class at the Department of Motor Vehicles.