Falls Prevention
Children are at risk of falling, or having things fall onto them. Unintentional falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries for children in the United States. In 2013, 2.6 million injuries occurred from unintentional falls from climbing on furniture, playing near an unsecured window, falling down stairs or playing on playgrounds.

Screens keep bugs out, they do not keep children in!
Window Safety Tips
Properly Install Window Guards
Screens are not strong enough to keep children in. Window guards need to be properly installed so windows open no more than four inches to prevent unintentional window falls.
Make a habit of opening only the top to prevent accidental falls
if you have a window that opens from top and bottom. Remember as kids grow, they may have enough strength, dexterity, and curiosity to open the bottom.
Lock all the windows and doors throughout your home
Make sure that you keep them closed when they are not in use.
For your crawlers and climbers, move chairs, cribs and other furniture away from windows.
This will help prevent window falls.
Around-the-Home Safety Tips
Ensure that children are properly strapped into high chairs, carriers, swings or strollers.
Secure TVs and furniture to the wall using mounts, brackets, braces, anchors or wall straps to prevent tipovers.
These kinds of accidents happen more than you might think, so take a few minutes to secure your TV and furniture.
Don’t let children climb on furniture or use drawers or shelves as steps.
Actively supervise toddlers on stairs. Hold their hands when walking up and down stairs.
Use approved safety gates at the tops and bottoms of stairs and attach them to the wall.
Remember to read the manufacturer’s instructions and warning labels to make sure you have the right gate for your needs. Not all gates are safe for use at the top of stairs.
Don’t leave children alone with a baby walker.
They don’t come with safety features that prevent the walkers from rolling down the stairs, and it’s easy for children to fall or reach higher objects that may be unsafe.
Instead of a baby walker, opt for a stationary activity center.
Look for one that is on a stable, non-moveable base and place it away from stairs, hot appliances, or window cords.
In the event of an accident, never move a child who appears to be seriously injured after a fall. Instead, call 911 and wait for the paramedics.
Outside Safety Tips
Take children out to play on playgrounds with shock-absorbing surfaces, such as rubber, turf, sand, wood chips, etc.
Children should wear a properly fitting helmet when doing any wheeled activity, including bicycling, skating and skateboarding. Learn More
Don’t leave your child alone in a shopping cart.