Child Passenger Safety
Child passenger safety has dramatically evolved over the past decade; however, motor vehicle crashes continue to be a leading cause of death and injury for children in the US. Learn the latest facts and safety tips for your child. Learn More

Register Your Car Seat
to receive recalls and safety notices from your manufacturer so your child can remain safe
Car Seat Safety
If you’re struggling with your child’s safety seat, you’re not alone! View common facts and questions to help you navigate through new car seat technologies, recalls and ever-changing child passenger safety laws.
Find a Fitting Station
Schedule an appointment for car seat installation at any car seat fitting station throughout Connecticut. Appointments can also be made through Connecticut Children’s in Hartford.
Car Seat Recalls
In the event of a car seat safety recall, safety seat manufacturers are required to notify all registered owners through first-class mail. It is important that the manufacturer of your car seat has your current mailing address and other child restraint identification information.
Counterfeit Car Seats
Counterfeit car seats are life-threatening for child passengers, as they do not offer the same protections as car seats that meet Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). These seats are often made with cheaper material that does not hold up in a crash or are missing key safety features.
Become a Child Passenger Safety Technician
If you’re passionate about keeping children safe, you may be interested in becoming a Child Passenger Safety Technician. Being certified in Child Passenger Safety is an important and necessary skill you can bring to your community and to many health and safety organizations.
Car Seat Events
Do you need help installing your car seat? Child Passenger Safety Technicians (CPST) are available at our community car seat clinics throughout the year to help you install your car seat and answer your questions about general car seat safety.